HC Deb 11 April 1934 vol 288 cc441-2

10.44 p.m.


I beg to move, in page 3, line 42, to leave out from "board," to the end of the Sub-section.

We have had representations from trawlers on this subject. If trawlers are coming into port during a storm the trawlers stay out until the last possible moment and then rush into port, but if they have to wait and have, to detach the shackle-pins, sometimes to cut them out, the process takes a considerable time. If the storm goes on it means that the men have to work with the waves coming over the vessel and they do their work at the danger of their lives. The alternative is that they should leave off fishing earlier, in which case, of course, they catch less fish and we do not want to reduce the supply of fish. Even though the delay may only be for half-an-hour the amount of fish lost, when calculated over a year, is considerable. I hope that the Secretary of State will consider the wishes of a considerable section of the smaller portion of the trawling industry and accept this Amendment.

10.46 p.m.


This Clause provides that in the prohibited area the boards of the trawl and the net shall be inboard and that the warps shall be detached from the boards. I place great stress upon the first point as to the boards of the trawl and the net being inboard. If one visualises the position of the inshore fishermen to-day when these trawlers come within the three-mile limit with their boards down and the trawl out board, one can understand how these men have lost confidence and hope. Therefore, I am glad that the hon. Member has not proceeded with the Amendment which he hag on the Paper to leave out the words "the boards of the trawl." As regards the Amendment which he has moved to leave out the words "the warps shall be detached from the boards," there he strikes a point which appeals to me. In my early days I happen to have been at sea, and I can well understand the feelings of men on these trawling ships as they enter the three-mile limit, if through the misdeeds of a few they are compelled by Parliament to detach the warps from the boards. If the ban. Member will not press the other Amendment on the Paper, I will gladly accept the Amendment which he has now moved as to the detaching of the warps from the boards. I feel that by doing so I am not weakening the Bill, while going a long way to satisfy a legitimate complaint of men on the trawlers. I hope that when they learn of this concession much of their opposition to the Bill will disappear and that they will realise the ready spirit in which we are meeting their complaints.


I wish to thank the right hon. Gentleman for the concession which he has made on this point.

Amendment agreed to.

Motion made, and Question "That the Clause stand part of the Bill," put, and agreed to.