HC Deb 10 April 1934 vol 288 cc147-9
21. Mr. McENTEE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education if he will give a list of those local education authorities which are exercising their powers under Sections 82 to 84 of the Education Act, 1921, only to the extent of providing free milk for necessitous children?

Mr. WOMERSLEY (Lord of the Treasury)

I have been asked to reply. As the answer is somewhat long, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

LIST of Local Education Authorities who, during the month of February, 1934 (the latest period for which returns are available), exercised their powers under Sections 82–84 of the Education Act, 1921, only to the extent of providing free milk for necessitous children.

Counties (5).
Cumberland. Worcestershire.
Derbyshire. Yorkshire (N.R.).
Boroughs (23).
Bilston. Newcastle-under-Lyme.
Chelmsford. Penzance.
Ealing. Poole.
Gillingham. Pudsey.
Gosport. Rochester.
Harwich. Rowley Regis.
Haslingden. Sutton Coldfield.*
Hornsey. Tiverton.
Kings Lynn. Wallsend.
Middleton. Widnes.
Newark. Winchester.
Urban Districts (1).
County Boroughs (6)
Chester. West Bromwich.
Darlington. West Hartlepool.
Dudley. Wigan.
Counties (1).
Urban Districts.

NOTE*:—It is exceptional for this Authority to provide only milk. In returns for most other months a few ordinary meals are shown.

22. Mr. T. SMITH

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education if he will furnish a return showing for each local education authority administering Sections 82 to 84 of the Education Act, 1921, the income scale adopted in deciding which children shall receive free meals; whether each scale is approved by the Board; and what criterion is used to define the word "necessitous" by any local education authority which does not use an income scale?


The income scales proposed by local education authorities exercising for the first time their power to provide meals are considered by the Board and are accepted if they appear to be generally suitable, but the information in the possession of the Board in the case of authorities who have been providing meals for a long period is not sufficiently complete to enable them to prepare a reliable return of all the scales at present in force. The scales vary according to the number of children in a family. For a family of five the average limit is from 30s. to 35s. a week, exclusive of rent. In certain areas cases are considered on their merits, but this consideration is generally related to a scale which is used as a guide, though not rigidly administered.

23. Mr. T. SMITH (for Mr. T. WILLIAMS)

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education if he will give for the latest convenient year a list by type of local education authority showing for each town or area, separately, the number of meals provided free, for payment, and total meals; and the number of children fed, distinguishing what meals are provided, i.e., breakfast, dinner, tea, or milk, or cod liver oil only?


The preparation of the information required in respect of each area separately would involve a disproportionate amount of time and labour. My Noble Friend is, however, sending the hon. Member a return giving, for the year 1932–33 (which is the latest period for which figures are at present available), a summary of the information required, arranged by types of local education authority.


Will the statement include figures showing the number of free meals provided at schools other than by the Board of Education direct?