HC Deb 10 April 1934 vol 288 c146

asked the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been drawn to several recent cases where companies have gone into liquidation and a receiver appointed, where the charges have been heavy and the greater part of the assets have been taken in the costs of the proceedings; and will he give consideration to the amending of the Companies Act so as to avoid such excessive costs?


My attention has been drawn to only one case of the kind mentioned, and in this case the circumstances were somewhat exceptional. J would remind the hon. Member that the proceedings of a liquidator are controlled, and his remuneration normally fixed, by the Committee of Inspection nominated by the general body of creditors and contributories of the company in liquidation.


If I send the right hon. Gentleman particulars of several cases which have come to my knowledge, will he go into them?


I shall be very glad to go into any cases which the hon. Gentleman may send on to me.

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