HC Deb 29 November 1933 vol 283 c876
53. Colonel ROPNER

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that a charge of 7d. a ton is levied on sugar-beet taken across Selby toll-bridge; and whether, in the interests of agriculture as well as that of the town of Selby and surrounding districts, he will now take the necessary action to free the bridge or assist in the provision of a new bridge?


I have no jurisdiction over the tolls levied at Selby toll-bridge, but have ascertained that a charge of 7d. per ton is levied on sugar-beet taken across the bridge, no charge being made for the unladen vehicle on its return journey. In reply to the second part of my hon. and gallant Friend's question, I am afraid I cannot usefully add anything to the answer I gave him on the 27th March last.