HC Deb 29 November 1933 vol 283 cc866-8
27. Mr. MANDER

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what arrangements are being made for the carrying on of the administration in Malta; and whether any of the recently dismissed Ministers are to receive appointments?


As I informed the House on the 7th November, the administration of Malta has been taken over by the Imperial authorities. One of the ex-Ministers, Dr. Micallef, has been selected for appointment as Superintendent of Agriculture.


Can the right hon. Gentleman give the amount of the salary to be paid to him?


I do not think that I could do so without notice. I think that it is about £400 a year, but I will give the answer if the hon. Gentleman will put down the question.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the appointment of Dr. Micallef has given rise to very grave apprehension in the island?


No, I am not aware that it had—I think there is another question on the Paper—but I may say that, in making the appointment, the Governor informed me that, he was absolutely satisfied of Dr. Micallef's loyalty to the policy of His Majesty's Government and with his qualifications for the post.


May I ask whether Dr. Micallef supported his Government, who insisted upon violating the laws of this country?


I think that the position is, that in all Governments, as the hon. Gentleman may have learnt from his share of government, there may be no doubt a variety of view of one sort or another. But I think it is a fair statement to say that I am certain that the bulk of the people in Malta are entirely at one with His Majesty's Government and this House in the policy which should be pursued, and I am very glad that members of all parties in Malta should give loyal support to the Government and this House in pursuit of that policy.

34. Lieut.-Commander BOWER

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the appointment of Dr. Giuseppe Micallef, one of the recently dismissed Ministers in Malta, to be Superintendent of Agriculture is of a temporary or permanent nature; and on what grounds this post has been given to an ex-Minister in preference to a civil servant of experience?


Dr. Micallef's appointment is probationary in the first instance. He was selected because the Governor considered him to he the most suitable person for the post in question.

Lieut.-Commander BOWER

Does not the right hon. Gentleman think that it is most discouraging to a small but intensely loyal Civil Service to have one of the best paid posts given over the heads of those who must be better qualified, including Mr. Borge, who is second in command of this Department and who has received written appreciation from no fewer than two previous Colonial Secretaries.


In a matter of this kind I am not prepared to overrule the considered judgment of the Governor in making an appointment.

Lieut.-Commander AGNEW

Are we to understand that as a result of the policy of which this appointment marks the beginning former Socialist ex-Ministers will shortly be given posts in the British Civil Service?


No such application has been made or entertained. The whole object of the Governor whom I am not prepared to overrule in this matter of local interest, has been to get the best man for the job.


Having regard to the very strong protests that have been made in the Island, will the right hon. Gentleman reconsider this matter? Will he acquaint himself with the protests that are being made?


The hon. Member refers to the protests made in the Island. I think we are all practically agreed that the policy should be carried out and I have the greatest objection to interfering with the man on the spot in carrying out the policy which we all desire.

37. Sir A. KNOX

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will state for what reason the police force in Malta has been transferred from popular to Government control?


Under the Malta Constitution Act, 1932, provision was included for making the establishment, discipline, control and administration of the police a reserved matter.

In accordance with that provision and with my approval the Governor took over the control of the police on the 20th September last, since he considered this course desirable in the interests of the good administration of the force. As my hon. and gallant Friend is aware, the Governor has now again assumed control of the whole Government of the Island.


Will -he right hon. Gentleman make known the result of this disastrous experiment to the Joint Select Committee on India, now sitting?