HC Deb 29 November 1933 vol 283 cc880-1
67. Major OWEN

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state the reasons why the Film Advisory Committee has granted a full British quota certificate to a film entitled "Lumber" registered number BR 6,758, which deals with the Canadian lumber industry, while it has refused a similar certificate to a British-made film, entitled "Men against Death," which deals with the slate-quarrying industry in Carnarvonshire, the latter having been granted only a partial certificate, registered number E 9,341?


Neither of the films to which the question refers is normally registerable under the Cinematograph Films Act, 1927, but the Board of Trade have discretion to permit the registration of such a film for the purposes of both renters' and exhibitors' quota if, having regard to its special exhibition value, they consider that the film should he so registered. In these two eases the Board decided, after consulting the Films Advisory Committee, and after taking into account all the relevant evidence, that the film "Lumber" did, but the film "Men against Death" did not, possess special exhibition vale of such a character as to justify them in exercising their discretion under the Act.

Major OWEN

Why should a film produced in Canada and denieting a similar kind of industrial occupation, be given preference over a film produced in this country?


That is not quite the way in which to deal with the matter. The Board of Trade has the assistance of an advisory committee. The advisory committee made a recommendation in this case, and I can only say that I entirely agree with it.


Was the decision arrived at after the hearing of certain evidence as to the film's value, and can the House be put in possession of the evidence that was submitted in respect of both films?

Visccountess ASTOR

How many able women are there on the advisory committee? Does the hon. Gentleman not think women should be on the committee?

Major OWEN

Will the hon. Gentleman not give further consideration to the granting of the quota, registration?


I will always at any time give full attention to any request of the hon. and gallant Gentleman or of any other hon. Member of the House, but on the information at present available the matter is too clear for argument.


Will the hon. Gentleman make that information available to the public?

Particulars of prosecutions of Post Office Servants in Glasgow during last twelve months.
Rank. Age at date of prosecution. Weekly wages at date of prosecution. Increase or decrease in wages during previous three years.
s. d. s. d.
Postman 21 36 9 12 0 increase.
Postman 39 55 7 1 1 increase.
Postman 48 53 9 2 7 increase.
Postman 21 36 9 7 0 increase.
Postman 21 36 9 12 0 increase.
Postman 42 55 7 1 1 increase.
Postman 38 59 11 4 4 decrease.
Postman 45 59 11 3 1 decrease.
Postman 20 34 6 14 8 increase.
Skilled Workman, Class II 45 61 2 1 0 decrease.