HC Deb 28 November 1933 vol 283 cc677-8
35. Mr. McGOVERN

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will order an inquiry into the batoning of workers which took place recently on the way from Kilbirnie to Kilmarnock and the allegations against the police, namely, that after the men had been arrested a few of them were again batoned and kicked by the police in the police station, which was witnessed by a number of the arrested men?

The SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Sir Godfrey Collins)

I have obtained reports on the disturbance which took place in Kilmarnock on the 15th October last, and, after careful consideration, I find no ground for any further action on my part. I am informed that there is no foundation for the allegation that some of the persons arrested were batoned and kicked by the police in the police station.


If I can supply the right hon. Gentleman with the names and addresses of the persons who were present when some of their comrades were kicked and batoned in the police station savagely by the police, will he consider the matter further?


I will always consider any representations made by lion. Members in this House, and I may add that no complaint was made by any of the accused persons to the chief constable or to the court about their treatment by the police while in custody after the arrest.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if there is any use in protesting to the person who was responsible for the attack? I am simply asking the right hon. Gentleman if he will make inquiries if I furnish him with the data and the names and addresses of the persons who were present when it took place?


I think that I have already answered that question.

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