HC Deb 16 November 1933 vol 281 cc1169-70

(1) The power of the Minister under sub-section (7) of section sixty-three of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, to appoint a person to act as deputy to the chairman of the traffic commissioners for any traffic area in the case of the illness, incapacity or absence of the chairman may be exercised also if the Minister considers that, owing to the number of applications under Part IV of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, and under this Part of this Act, the duties to be performed by the chairman (or any deputy appointed by reason of the illness, incapacity or absence of the chairman) cannot conveniently or efficiently be performed by one person.

(2) A person appointed under this section shall be appointed upon such terms and conditions, including conditions as to the time which he is to devote to the duties of his office, as the Minister may determine, and shall act for the chairman in such matters, whether arising under this Act or under the said Act of 1930, as the chairman (or any deputy appointed by reason of the illness, incapacity or absence of the chairman) may from time to time direct, or as the Minister may from time to time by general directions require, and for that purpose shall exercise and perform all the powers and duties of the chairman.

(3) This section shall have effect with respect to the Metropolitan traffic area with the substitution of a reference to the traffic commissioner for that area for any reference to a chairman of traffic commissioners.


I must point out that this Clause raises a question of privilege. If the Minister should make use of the powers that are given him under this Clause, a charge would be created. The House can, of course, waive the privilege if it thinks fit.


I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

This new Clause is really a matter of machinery. The House has already inserted in the Bill a provision by which I could appoint a deputy to the Chairman of the Traffic Commissioners to act as licensing authority in case of absence or illness of the Chairman. I have since been convinced that it might be necessary in certain circumstances for both the Chairman and the deputy to sit at the same time, especially in the Metropolitan area. There may be an exceedingly large number of applications, and they could be more expeditiously dealt with if I had the power to allow the Chairman and the deputy both to sit at the same time.

Question, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment." put, and agreed to.


I will have a record made in the journals of the House.

Subsequent Lords Amendments to page 27, line 16, agreed to.

Lords Amendment: After Clause 25, insert: