HC Deb 09 November 1933 vol 281 cc291-2
10. Mr. T. SMITH

asked the Minister of Labour what steps the Government are taking to deal with the position of unemployed persons during the coming winter?


As is well known to the House, the general policy of the Government is directed to restoring industrial activity as the only effectual way of finding work for the unemployed, and the continuous increase of employment since the beginning of this year is evi-

Unemployed persons resident in the Metropolitan Borough f Bethnal Green on the registers of employment Exchanges.
Month. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933.
July Men 3,939 5,633 5,211 4,674
Women 668 1,276 1,221 701
Juveniles 86 129 230 88
Total 4,693 7,038 6,662 5,4ti3
August Men 4,210 5,724 5.112 4,468
Women 692 1,322 1,194 633
Juveniles 128 172 212 124
Total 5,030 7,218 6,518 5,225
September Men 4,031 5,307 5,047 4,323
Women 535 1,212 838 487
Juveniles 95 142 160 65
Total 4,661 6,661 6,045 4,875
October Men 4,208 5,632 4,839 3.714
Women 539 1,184 746 474
Juveniles 66 121 119 28
Total 4,813 6,937 5,704 4,216

dence of the success of that policy. As regards provision for those who remain unemployed, I would refer the hon. Member to the Unemployment Bill which received a First Reading yesterday.


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider, during the winter months, increasing some of the Unemployment Insurance benefits?


I can only refer the hon. and gallant Member to the Unemployment Insurance Bill, which he will no doubt look into.


Is the Minister not aware that it is impossible for the Opposition to put down Amendments seeking to raise the amount?