HC Deb 08 November 1933 vol 281 cc172-3
17. Mr. T. SMITH

asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons who are registered as unemployed but are not in receipt of benefit or transitional payments?


As the reply includes a table of figures I wilt, if I may, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Will my hon. Friend issue, at the same time, figures for the year 1931?


I will see if I can do that.

Following is the statement:

UNEMPLOYED PERSONS on the registers of Employment Exchanges in Great Britain at 23rd October, 1933, who had no claim authorised for insurance benefit or transitional payments.

1. Persons insured under the Unemployment insurance Acts—
*Non claimants 168,030
Applicants for transitional payments in whose cases it was held by Public Assistance Authorities that their needs did not justify payment 83,108
Claimants disallowed or disqualified on grounds other than those referred to in the footnote* below 10,570
Persons with claims under consideration 55,253
2. Uninsured persons 126,835
Total 443,796
* These include adults whose claims had been disallowed on the grounds that they were not normally insurable and would not normally seek to obtain a livelihood by means of insurable employment, together with those who had not made claims to insurance benefit or transitional payments.
18. Mr. PRICE

asked the Minister of Labour the latest available figures for unemployment, giving separate figures for each area?


As the reply includes a number of figures, I will, if I may, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the statement:

UNEMPLOYED PERSONS on the registers of Employment Exchanges at 23rd October, 1933.
Division. Number.
London 235,846
South Eastern 99,880
South Western 139,655
Midlands 273,042
North Eastern 506,016
North Western 480,937
Scotland 343,374
Wales 220,003
Great Britain 2,298,753