HC Deb 31 May 1933 vol 278 cc1879-80
46 Captain BALFOUR

asked the Prime Minister (1) whether, in view of the willingness of the British Government delegate at the Disarmament Conference to discuss further the British reservation for the use of aircraft for police purposes in outlying areas with delegations of countries who object to our reservation, he will give an assurance that no concessions will be made by His Majesty's Government which may restrict the efficiency of action by such forces;

(2) whether, as the withdrawal or limitation of action of the air arm in Aden protectorate or the Sudan would, in present circumstances, expose the inhabitants of these areas who are under our protection to aggression from exterior forces, he will assure the House that His Majesty's Government will not agree to any such withdrawal or limitation;

(3) if he will give an assurance that His Majesty's Government will not accept any amendment of the British draft convention whereby limitation of numbers of aircraft for police purposes in any one area at any time within the maximum total number of aircraft permissible to this country will be governed by any body or decision other than the discretion of His Majesty's Government?


I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the answer which I gave yesterday in reply to a Private Notice Question by the Leader of the Opposition. I would add that His Majesty's Government will obviously retain the right to employ such aircraft as they may be allotted under the convention in such manner and in such place as they may think fit, subject to any international regulations which may be fiNaily agreed.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if he differs from the allegation in Question 47, that the withdrawal or limitation of action of the air arm in the Aden Protectorate or the Sudan would expose the inhabitants of these areas to immediate external aggression?


I do not think that I am called upon to answer that question, because my answer, if properly understood, shows that the circumstances are remote in which that hypothesis might become tenable.