HC Deb 29 May 1933 vol 278 cc1614-6

I beg to move, in page 3, line 4, to leave out from the word "section" to the end of line 8.

I do not intend to repeat all the arguments that were used in Committee on this Amendment. Two trade agreements have been discussed by the House, and have both been accepted, and other agreements are in the offing. Is it a series of such agreements that the Government have in mind? I am particularly concerned about discriminating against some particular Government. Cannot we have it from the right hon. Gentleman fiNaily and definitely that, whatever agreements the Government enter into, there will be no discrimination against any particular Government? If we have that assurance I shall not press the Amendment.

7.1 p.m.


I am very much obliged to my hon. Friend for dealing with the question with such brevity. His speeches in Committee have shown that he has this subject much at heart. I do not think the House has any doubt as to the point which under- lies this Amendment. It is: Are you going to confine the arrangements on which orders are made to arrangements made under treaty, or is any other form of arrangement to be the basis of an order, such as certain voluntary arrangements made in the recent past? The hon. Gentleman asked definitely whether there will be any discrimination against any Government, and whether that is the underlying motive of the Sub-section. The answer is most certainly, no. There is no desire to discriminate against any Government. As the number of Governments with whom we have quota arrangements increases it may be that the need for the Sub-section decreases, but it is necessary to have it here in the Bill in order that, if a situation should reappear, and it is more convenient temporarily to make a voluntary arrangement, we shall not be prevented from taking the necessary steps to have a restrictive order based upon it.


I beg to ask leave to withdraw the Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

7.3 p.m.


I beg to move in page 3, line 14, to leave out the words "in respect of the said product."

This Amendment is introductory to a series of three Amendments which introduce the phrase "related product." A product on importation, which is regulated, may not be in the same form as that in which it is regulated at home. At home it may be desirable to regulate fat stock, whereas the imported product may be beef. This Amendment is designed to meet cases such as these. It is more a drafting Amendment than a matter of principle.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 3, line 15, after the word "reorganisation," insert the words "or organised development."

In line 19, leave out the words "by order regulate sales of that product," and insert instead thereof the words: make an order regulating sales of the said agricultural product or any related product.

In line 24, leave out the words "kinds, varieties, or grades," and insert the word "descriptions."

In line 26, leave out the words "or of any kind, variety, or grade," and insert instead thereof the words: or related product, as the case may be, or of any description.

In line 30, at the end, insert the words: In this Sub-section the expression 'related product' means, in relation to an agricultural product, any agricultural product from which the first-mentioned agricultural product is wholly or partly manufactured or derived, or any agricultural product wholly or partly manufactured or derived therefrom."—[Major Elliot.]