HC Deb 22 May 1933 vol 278 c751
25. Mr. REMER

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he has considered the memorandum sent to him from the Live stock Emergency Committee, composed of all the main cattle auctioneers in the United Kingdom, opposing the quota policy and that of quantitative restriction and advocating the substitution of a policy of tariffs; and what reply he proposes to make to them?


I have received from the committee mentioned a copy of a memorandum purporting to set out the relative merits of tariff and quota systems for livestock and their products, which was sent to me under cover of a printed circular. Apart from the formal acknowledgment which I sent at the time I do not consider that I am called upon to reply to a document of this character so circulated, especially as it raises questions of policy which in one form or another have been dealt with on many occasions both in and outside this House?