HC Deb 18 May 1933 vol 278 c501

asked the Home Secretary if he is now in a position to say if the colliery owners of Lancashire have completed the scheme for the insurance of workmen who meet with accidents and are entitled to compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act; and can he state what is the position in the rest of the country?


I understand that the Lancashire scheme referred to in my reply to the hon. Member on the 6th April has not yet been carried though, but that further replies from colliery owners are awaited. Revised schemes are under consideration but have not been fiNaily adopted in North Staffordshire or Cumberland. In the other areas arrangements as indicated in my previous reply have, I am informed, been made, but a return showing the position in greater detail has been asked for. The hon. Member may rest assured that I shall continue to pay close attention to this matter.

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