HC Deb 15 May 1933 vol 278 cc24-6
25. Mr. McENTEE

asked the First Commissioner of Works the number of accidents, fatal and otherwise, during the past two years to window cleaners while engaged on Government buildings in London, and the ages of those involved?


The number of fatal accidents at all buildings in my charge was three, and the ages of the employes concerned were 31, 20 and 18, respectively. All window-cleaning work for this Department is let to contract, and I have no data as to accidents, other than fatal accidents, that may have been sustained by the workpeople employed by the contractors.


Has the right hon. Gentleman any comparison between the figures he has just read and previous years?


For previous years I should have to have notice.


Are the contractors in every case insured for the purpose of compensation to their employes? Is it a condition of giving the contract?


I think the Employers' Liability Act applies in every case to window cleaners employed by the kind of firm we employ. If the hon. Member will put down a specific question as to what is included in our form of contract, I will give him a definite answer.


It is not a question of the Employers' Liability Act covering them. The point is as to the stability of the contractor, and whether he insures for the purpose of compensation under Workmen's Compensation, Employers' Liability, and the Common Law?


I had better have a question down, but, of course, we are responsible for Government buildings all over the country, including some very small ones, and it is difficult to compare small country firms with large Metropolitan ones.

26. Mr. McENTEE

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether, in view of the increase in the number of juvenile and inexperienced workers engaged in window cleaning by contractors to the Government Since the date of an agreement entered into setting up a rate of wages for adults, he will make inquiries as to whether the fair wages clause is being observed?


It is not customary to make special investigation into the observance of the fair wages clause unless a complaint against a particular contractor is received, and there are, prima facie, grounds for an allegation that a breach has been committed. I shall be glad to investigate any specific complaints if the hon. Member will kindly furnish me with the necessary particulars.


Does not the right hon. Gentleman think that, if a contract is made, it is part of the Government's duty to see that it is carried out, and, if it is carried out in every other respect, why not in respect of the fair wages clause?


It is the duty of the inspectors to report cases, but necessarily, points in connection with the enforcement of the fair wages clause must depend on the nature of the particular cases.

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