§ 26. Mr. HENDERSON STEWARTasked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware of the increase in the spread of bracken and the consequent reduction in hill grazing and sheep stocks 1353 in Scotland; and whether, in order both to encourage home production and to reduce unemployment, he will take immediate steps to organise a wide-spread bracken-cutting scheme?
§ The SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Sir Godfrey Collins)I am aware that bracken has increased in recent years and that any extension of this weed is likely to reduce the productivity of hill grazings. As the hon. Member is no doubt aware, the elimination of bracken, growing on a farm at the commencement of a tenancy, is an improvement for which a tenant is entitled to compensation from his landlord. I am doubtful, in view of the difficulties involved, whether a general scheme of bracken-cutting is feasible as a means of unemployment relief.