HC Deb 20 March 1933 vol 276 cc21-2

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, seeing that the Government were represented on the Assembly Committee of Nineteen and on the Drafting Committee of Nine in the matter of the appeal of the Chinese Government and voted for the acceptance of the Report provided for in Article XV., paragraph 4, of the Covenant on 24th February last, and are therefore committed to the view of the situation and of the obligations of the members of the League under the Covenant contained in this Report, the Government regard the action of Japan as subjecting China's territorial integrity and existing political independence to external aggression in violation of Article X of the Covenant.?


The view of His Majesty's Government is that contained in the Report of the Committee of Nineteen which was adopted by the Assembly on the 24th February last. I have nothing to add to the terms of that Report.


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will consider proposing to the League's advisory committee on the Sino-Japanese dispute that each member of the League should severally instruct its representative at Tokyo to protest to the Japanese Government against recent Japanese activities in Manchuria and Jehol?


Before the operations in Jehol, His Majesty's Ambassador in Tokio expressed to the Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs grave concern at the prospect of such operations, and left the Japanese Government under no misapprehension as to the anxiety of His Majesty's Government. In view of the terms of the Report adopted by the Assembly of the League of Nations, I am not clear that the further step advocated by the hon. Member would serve any useful purpose.