Captain CAZALET (by Private Notice)asked the Minister of Health whether he is yet able to announce the terms of reference and composition of the Departmental Committee to be set up with regard to the reconditioning of slums and other matters?
§ To consider and report—
- (a) What, if any, further steps are necessary or desirable to secure the main-
815 tenance of a proper standard of fitness for human habitation in working-class houses which are neither situate in an area suitable for clearance under Part I of the Housing Act, 1930, nor suitable for demolition under Section 19 of that Act; and - (b) What, if any, further steps are necessary or desirable to promote the supply of houses for the working classes, without public charge, through the agency of public utility societies or other bodies subject to similar limitations operating in particular areas or otherwise.
§ The right hon. the Lord Moyne, D.S.O., has consented to act as Chairman of the Committee, and the other members will be:
§ The right hon. Member for Northern Cornwall (The Right Hon. Sir Francis Dyke Acland, Bt.).
§ The right hon. and gallant Member for Ripon (Major The Right Hon. J. W. Hills).
§ The hon. Member for Southampton (Sir Charles Barrie, K.B.E.).
§ The hon. Member for Winchester (Sir Geoffrey Ellis, Bt.).
§ The hon. and gallant Member for Chelmsford (Lieut.-Colonel Sir Vivian Henderson, M.C.).
§ The hon. Member for Dundee (Miss F. Horsbrugh, M.B.E.).
§ The hon. Member for South Bristol (Mr. N. K. Lindsay).
§ The hon. and gallant Member for Pembroke (Major G. Lloyd George).
§ The hon. Member for the Forest of Dean (Dr. J. V. Worthington).
§ Mr. CROSSLEYTo which hon. Member for Dundee does the right hon. Gentleman refer?