HC Deb 27 June 1933 vol 279 cc1318-9
26. Mr. MARTIN

asked the Minister of Labour how many foreign Governments have brought forward measures for expending sums of money on development schemes the primary object of which is to reduce unemployment?

The MINISTER of LABOUR (Sir Henry Betterton)

The information in my possession does not enable me to state the total number of foreign Governments which have brought forward such measures, but in most of the prin- cipal overseas countries schemes of this kind have been adopted. The latest information on this subject, so far as available to my Department, has been summarised, for a number of the principal countries, in some of the recent issues of the "Ministry of Labour Gazette" under the heading "Unemployment Relief Measures in Oversea Countries." I am sending my hon. Friend copies of the issues for February, April, May and June of this year, and a further article will appear in the July issue.


Do the measures taken in those countries lead the right hon. Gentleman to suppose that we have come to a point in this country at which expenditure on capital account might be profitable?


If my hon. Friend will look at the articles in the "Ministry of Labour Gazette," he will see that a great many of the proposals now being put into operation in foreign countries represent a policy which we have tried in this country for several years.


What increase of unemployment has followed in those countries where such measures have been adopted?


There has been a reduction.