HC Deb 26 June 1933 vol 279 c1179

As amended (in the Standing Committee), considered.


The first Amendment I shall take is that in the name of the hon. Member for Rothwell (Mr. Lunn), to leave out Clause 3.


You will notice, Mr. Speaker, that there are two new Clauses on the Paper. I take it. for granted, from the statement that you have just made, that you do not intend to call those Clauses. Whatever may be the merit of the second new Clause—Constitution and duty of Advisory Committee—I would ask whether it is possible for us to know why the first new Clause—Secretary of State to make regulations for promotion within the force—is. not being called? You will notice the title of the Clause. As a matter of fact, a goodly number of the points within the ambit of the Bill deal with promotion within the force, and it would help us considerably if you would say why particularly that Clause is not being called.


I should be getting into a bad habit if I always gave reasons why I did not select Amendments. Both the suggested new Clauses are outside the scope of the Bill.

  1. CLAUSE 3.—(Amendment as to constitution of Police Federation.) 20,056 words, 1 division
  2. cc1227-305
  3. CLAUSE 4.—(Appointment of constables for fixed period of service in Metro politan Police Force.) 32,826 words, 2 divisions