HC Deb 27 July 1933 vol 280 cc2768-9
47. Mr. McENTEE

asked the Minister of Health whether he proposes to see a deputation from tenants residing in Pulford Street and Aylesford Street, Westminster; whether he is aware that citizens of Westminster subscribed by voluntary contributions £32,000 towards the purchase from the London County Council of land in Pulford Street for the erection of working-class dwellings, and that the project has now been handed over to the Westminster Housing Trust, whose prospectus promises interest at 4 per cent.; can he state how and by what means the land has been transferred to the Housing Trust; whether, in giving an additional plot of land, the Duke of Westminster imposed any terms; if so, can he state their nature; whether he is aware that the scheme provides for only 180 flats, with the result that there are no small flats available for people with slender means; and whether, in view of the origin of the scheme, he will have further inquiries made with a view to securing that adequate housing accommodation for the people in the area shall be the primary aim?


This is not a matter in which I have any power to intervene, but I caused inquiries to be made into questions addressed to me by the Pulford Street Tenants Committee. These inquiries have not revealed any grounds for dissatisfaction with the scheme. I do not consider that there would be advantage in the reception of such a deputation as is suggested.


During those inquiries did the right hon. Gentleman learn whether the Duke of Westminster imposed any terms as a condition of the development? That is a part of the question, and I should like to have an answer.


I could not answer that without more consideration. If the hon. Member wants a specific answer on that point, I shall be happy to give it to him. The general purport of the reply is that this is not a matter in which I have power to intervene.


If the right hon. Gentleman could make further inquiries and give me that specific information, I should be very much obliged.


I will give the hon. Member the specific information and I hope that there will be no need for further inquiries.


Will the right hon. Gentleman give very careful attention to this area, because in the development of business premises there seems a great tendency to crush out workers who are actually working in Westminster itself?