HC Deb 27 July 1933 vol 280 cc2750-1
11. Mr. MAXTON

asked the Minister of Labour if the causes of the strike among the trainees at the Ministry of Labour training centre at Carstairs have been investigated by his officers; and what steps are being taken to remedy the grievances of the men?


There has been no strike at this centre. Owing to the dismissal of a trainee who had been cautioned three times for unpunctuality and misbehaviour, a number of young men terminated their course in sympathy. The men's claims to benefit are being referred to the statutory authorities and the vacant places at the centre are being filled either from the men who are asking to be readmitted or from the waiting list.


Perhaps the hon. Member at some other time will explain to me the difference between a strike and a stoppage of work of the kind which he has described, but, apart from the grievance about the dismissal of one man, was there not general complaint about the conditions at this centre, particularly with regard to the food provided and the method of maintaining discipline by systematically fining men out of their weekly payment of 3s.?


No, but I should be very glad indeed to discuss the details of this particular case with the hon. Member if he cares to come and see me.


But before the hon. Member is in a position to discuss the matter, will he first ascertain the facts of the case? I have them.


I have a very full report here It would take too long to read out, but, if the hon. Member will come to see me, I shall be very glad to discuss the matter with him.


Is that an ex parte report of the kind to which we are becoming accustomed?