§ 17. Mr. PARKINSONasked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he can state the reasons for the order of banishment from his territory served 'n 1931 on Chief Sebele II of the Bakwena nation; and whether he will order the appointment of a commission of inquiry to investigate this matter?
Mr. J. H. THOMASThe reason for this order was that, in consequence of 2392 Sebele's maladministration of the affairs of his tribe in respect of which he had been repeatedly warned by the Administration, his presence in the Bakwena Reserve constituted a danger to the peace, order and good government of the Territory. The reply to the second part of the question is in the negative.
§ Mr. CHARLES WILLIAMSCan the right hon. Gentleman tell us where this chief is now? Is he attending any conference?
§ 18. Mr. PARKINSONasked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether, in view of the importance of his having the concurrence of the Bechuana chiefs and native advisory council in laying down the position of the chiefs' courts, he will approve of the submission to these courts of draft proclamations by His Excellency the High Commissioner dealing with important questions concerning the jurisdiction of the courts without previous consultation with the chiefs?
Mr. THOMASThese draft Proclamations have already been laid before the Native Advisory Council, and the High Commissioner for South Africa has recently reported that it was proposed to hold a further meeting of the council early this month for the purpose of discussing them.