HC Deb 20 July 1933 vol 280 c1974
21. Mr. TINKER

asked the Home Secretary what colliery company or combination of colliery companies have submitted schemes for insurance of workmen under the Workmen's Compensation Act; how many of them are satisfactory to him; and what districts or counties have failed to submit any scheme?


The hon. Member seems to be under some misunderstanding as to the procedure which has been adopted in this matter. I did not ask each district to submit a scheme, but the Mining Association took up with each district the question of improving the existing arrangements for mutual insurance, and, on the information now obtained, they appear to be either satisfactory or in an advanced stage towards being put on a satisfactory basis, except in Lancashire. The unfortunate position in Lancashire is quite exceptional. Negotiations there for the scheme referred to in the reply given to the hon. Member on 6th April broke down, and the present position is indicated in the reply given to the hon. Member for St. Helens last Monday. I understand that some large groups in different areas contemplate setting aside reserves under Trustees, but the drafting of the Model Trust Deed previously mentioned has not been finally settled.


Is the right hon. Gentleman riot aware that he gave a promise that, unless some definite improvement was made, they would be threatened with legal proceedings? In Lancashire they are making no definite progress at all. I am hoping that he will take a step forward and tell them that unless they do something the law will go forward.


They have been recently seen, and it has been frankly explained to them that they must make progress. Indeed, I understand that in one part of Lancashire progress, if not already made, is in process of being made, and I hope that it will be proceeded with.


In the event of their not complying, will the right hon. Gentleman then do something with them?


When I have all the facts before me and have had time to consider them, I will see what can be done.

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