HC Deb 19 July 1933 vol 280 cc1811-2
32. Sir W. SUGDEN

asked the Minister of Labour if he will adjust the area department dealing with the unemployed of West Leyton so that it may be possible to get details of youths who, after leaving school, have for several years been unable to obtain employment; and will he consider the creation of a voluntary local committee, composed of school principals and representatives of employers and trades unions, who will consider the local conditions of industry and advise the Minister and the parents of the youths in question upon their future careers?


The local education authority are responsible for dealing with questions of juvenile employment in the whole of the borough of Leyton, and have set up a juvenile employment committee to supervise the work of the Juvenile Employment Bureau, the composition of which is in accordance with my hon. Friend's suggestions. I am informed that in this area it is only in very exceptional cases that youths remain out of employment for any considerable time after leaving school, but if there is any suggestion which my hon. Friend wishes to make in this connection it will of course be carefully considered.


If I bring to my hon. Friend details of a practical scheme which is dominantly and permanently industrial rather than academic and theoretical, will he consider an application in respect of the youth of Leyton?

Viscountess ASTOR

Would the Government consider seriously before the House breaks up some scheme for dealing with the tragic question of juvenile unemployment? Hay e they a scheme, and will they cease asking Members of Parliament to bring something forward, when they know that the country is waiting for a lead?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative.

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