§ Amendments made: In page 26, column 3, line 5, after the word "Sections,"insert the word "thirty-three."
§ Leave out lines 19 to 21.—[The Lord Advocate.]
§ The LORD ADVOCATEI beg to move, in page 26, line 43, at the end, to insert the words:
23 and 24 Geo. V., c. The Solicitors (Scotland) Act, 1933 Section forty-one, from the beginning, to the words "lawful and."
§ Mr. C. WILLIAMSI have not been able to follow the exact meaning of this Amendment. May we be told precisely what it actually does? The matter is very complicated and technical, and I think the House has a right to have an explanation recorded in the OFFICIAL REPORT, so that people outside may really know what is being done.
§ The LORD ADVOCATEMy hon. Friend will recollect that recently there was passed into law the Solicitors (Scotland) Bill, which is now known as the Solicitors (Scotland) Act, 1933. Accordingly, in the Schedule to the present Bill, it has been necessary to make certain alterations, and this Amendment makes one of the alterations which will 1726 be required in consequence of the passing of the new Act, which supersedes the provisions of certain of the older Measures dealing with the position of solicitors.
§ Amendment agreed to.