HC Deb 18 July 1933 vol 280 c1684

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that many large houses in London become in time slum dwellings due to the inability of the owners to subdivide or modernise the dwellings without first obtaining the consent of the local authority and to the necessity of conforming with by-laws, many of which are not necessary, with the result that re-letting takes place without alteration and improvement; and whether, to encourage the improvement and reconditioning of residential property, he will consider legislation to reduce and modify such by-laws?


My right hon. Friend has not had brought to his notice specific complaints such as are mentioned, but will be interested to receive any information received by my hon. Friend. As he is probably aware, building in London is almost entirely controlled by Act of Parliament and not by by-laws, and it would rest with the London County Council to initiate proposals for bringing the London Building Act up to date.


Is the hon. Member aware that in the suburbs outside the control of the London County Council a large amount of employment is held up by by-laws which are not only unnecessary and irritating but which serve no useful purpose, and is he aware that the drainage system of this House would he condemned by many urban local authorities in London?


I think many of us would welcome a revision of the London building code. If the hon. Member has any suggestions to make we shall he glad to receive them.