§ 32. Mr. ROBINSONasked the Secretary for Mines what progress has been made in the negotiations with the Argentine Government with a view to expanding the market for British coal?
§ Mr. E. BROWNI would refer my hon. Friend to the reply regarding these negotiations which was given to him yesterday by my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade.
§ Sir ARTHUR MICHAEL SAMUELIs the hon. Gentleman aware of the opposition in Argentina to the trade agreement? Is it proposed to withdraw our offer of a trade agreement unless acceptance is now come to?
§ Mr. BROWNThe position is that, under Article 3 of the Convention, either contracting party can terminate it at one month's notice if a supplementary agreement is not made by 1st August. It is understood that there is no present intention on our part of doing so if the date is passed provided that the negotiations continue satisfactorily.