HC Deb 19 December 1933 vol 284 cc1096-7
21. Colonel GOODMAN

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he is aware of the difficulties facing exporters of British goods to New Zealand in the way of import duties, exchange equalisation, and sales tax amounting to 30s. on a shipment of gloves at 40s.; and whether, as Empire products and produce enter this country either free of duty or subject to a substantial preference, he proposes to make representations to the Dominion Government as to the desirability of reducing the charges on British imported products?


I am aware that gloves are liable to import duty and to sales tax in New Zealand and that New Zealand currency is depreciated in relation to sterling. I would, however, point out to the hon. and gallant Member that the rate of the British preferential duty on gloves imported into New Zealand was reduced from 39 13/16 per cent. ad valorem to 28½ per cent. ad valorem as a result of the Trade Agreement concluded at Ottawa, and that United Kingdom gloves enjoy a large measure of tariff preference over foreign gloves. As regards the latter part of the question, a Tariff Commission is now engaged in reviewing the duties on United Kingdom goods in accordance with the principles of Article 8 of the Trade Agreement.