HC Deb 13 December 1933 vol 284 cc365-6

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that Miss Gladys Baynes, of 12, Hardwick Street, South Shields, has been missing since the middle of October from her situation at Dane's Court, Longdown Lane, Epsom Downs, Surrey; what the results of the police inquiries have been; and whether he will cause further inquiries to be prosecuted with a view to allaying the anxiety of Miss Baynes's parents?


This matter had not previously come to my notice, but I have made some inquiries. It appears that Gladys Baynes was engaged as a domestic servant at Epsom on 27th September, her services having been obtained through an agency in South Shields. On 13th October she was left in charge of the house during the temporary absence of her employer who, on returning home about 5 p.m., found that Gladys Baynes and her belongings had disappeared. At the request of the South Shields police inquiries have been made and a description has been circulated in the Metropolitan Police District, but hitherto without result. The girl is 21 years of age; there is nothing to suggest that her departure was other than voluntary; and it does not appear at present that any further action can usefully be taken by the police.


Having regard to the fact that the girl's parents are suffering grave anxiety on account of her disappearance and as nothing is known to indicate whether she took steps to disappear voluntarily, cannot further inquiry be made, as it is impossible to believe that the inquiries that have been made have resulted in no traces being found, the girl being a complete stranger in the place and very noticeable in consequence?


I have no reason to suppose that the police are not taking every step in their power to ascertain her whereabouts.