HC Deb 11 December 1933 vol 284 cc9-10
13. Mr. NUNN

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what steps are being taken to secure the safe removal of British subjects from the disturbed areas of Fukien, in view of the Chinese Government's recommendation for the withdrawal of all foreigners from those areas?


As far as I am aware, no such recommendation from the Chinese Government has been received by His Majesty's Legation. The Chinese Government have, however, been warned of His Majesty's Government's apprehensions lest British lives and property in Fukien be endangered in the event of an armed conflict developing, and satisfactory assurances have been received in this connec- tion. A British warship—His Majesty's Ship "Verity"—is at present stationed at Foochow for the purpose of affording all necessary protection to British interests, while other units of the China Squadron will be available for despatch to Amoy, should conditions there show signs of deteriorating. His Majesty's consular officers in both posts are closely following all developments in the situation.


Can my right hon. Friend say whether any representations have been received by him from any quarter of this House urging him to represent to the League of Nations that war should be undertaken upon Fukien in the interest of Nanking?

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