HC Deb 07 December 1933 vol 283 c1808

asked the Home Secretary whether he can make any further report to the House on the conditions obtaining in Dartmoor and the other convict prisons since the distribution of prisoners from Dartmoor, following upon the fire, to other gaols in the country?


Of the four convict prisons, two received none of the prisoners transferred from Dartmoor. These two are Maidstone, which takes star class convicts, i.e., those who, though convicted of one serious crime, are not of criminal habits, and Chelmsford, which takes young men who have started on a career of crime and are serving a first sentence of penal servitule. At Chelmsford 12 months ago certain prisoners caused disturbance by shouting, but suitable disciplinary methods were taken and there has been no recurrence. At Parkhurst there was last July an abortive attempt by five convicts to effect an escape, about which I gave the House information at the time. Apart from this nothing has occurred at Dartmoor or Parkhurst calling for special comment.