HC Deb 07 December 1933 vol 283 cc1825-6
44. Mr. McGOVERN

asked the Secretary of State-for Scotland if he is aware that the Govan Parish Council during 1930 paid an additional is. 6d. to the children of able-bodied persons drawing relief, making 3s. 6d. per week for each child; if he can state the cost of the same; and whether any surcharge was made upon the members of the local authority because of that decision?


I am aware that, at the end of March, 1930, Govan Parish Council resolved that the aliment paid to dependent children, under 16 years of age, of able-bodied unemployed persons in receipt of relief, be increased by la. 6d. per week. The additional allowance appears to have been paid for a period of four weeks until 15th May, 1930, when, in terms of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1929, the functions of the parish council were transferred to the Town Council of Glasgow and the payment of the additional allowance ceased. As regards the second part of the question, information as to the cost to the parish council of the additional allowance is not now available. As regards the last part, the expenditure not having been challenged by the auditor, the question of surcharge did not arise.


Seeing that there was no surcharge and that therefore we must take it that the decision was legal, can the hon. Gentleman state why the Scottish Office prohibited the Glasgow Corporation last December from paying Is. ed. extra to each child for the Christmas and New Year period?


That supplementary question raises a number of topics quite outside the original question, and will have to be put down separately.

48. Mr. TINKER (for Mr. KIRK-WOOD)

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the amount expended by the county of Dunbarton and the burghs of Dumbarton and Clydebank on able-bodied relief for the unemployed for the year ended May, 1933; and what will be the financial relief afforded to those areas by the Unemployment Bill now before Parliament?


The amounts expended during the year in question by the County Council of Dunbarton, and the Town Councils of Dumbarton and Clydebank on the relief of the able-bodied poor were £23,842, £13,297 and £38,241, respectively. I regret that it is not yet possible to estimate the financial relief which will be afforded to individual authorities.