§ I have already called attention to the great savings which have been made in consequence of the Conversion operations, and of their reaction upon the yield of Income Tax. Now I think that also involves a, reconsideration of the interest rates on the Death Duties, and on the arrears of Excess Profits Duty. The rate on the Death Duties was raised in 1919 from 3 to 4 per cent. without deduction of tax, and the rate on arrears of Excess Profits Duty is at the present time 4½, per cent. Obviously those rates are too high to-day, and accordingly I propose from to-morrow to reduce both of them to 3 per cent. without deduction of tax. I have put the cost of the reduc- 48 tion for Death Duties at £250,000 in this year. The cost of the other reduction is only trifling and has been allowed for in my estimate of arrears to be collected. The next item I want to mention concerns the flat rate allowances for repairs under Schedule A. The present rate, introduced in 1923, was to last for five years. In 1928 it was extended for another five years to 1933, and I now propose to prolong it for a further three years to bring us up to 5th April, 1936.