HC Deb 25 April 1933 vol 277 cc4-5
6. Mr. LUNN

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can give figures showing the fall in general exports to the Irish Free State since the imposition of duties on imports from that country?


As the answer involves a number of figures I will circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

The following table shows the total declared value of merchandise exported from the United Kingdom and registered during the undermentioned periods as consigned to the Irish Free State:

Period. Exports from the United Kingdom consigned to the Irish Free State.
Produce and manufactures of the United Kingdom. Imported Merchandise.
1932. £'000. £'000.
Jan. to March 7,048 1,807
April to June 8,421 1,696
July to Sept 5,425 1,395
Oct. to Dec. 4,880 1,183
Jan. to March 4,063 (a) 988(a)
(a) Provisional figures.

Note.—The duties imposed by the Irish Free State (Special Duties) Order, 1932, on goods imported into the United Kingdom from the Irish Free State, took effect as from the 15th July, 1932.