HC Deb 05 April 1933 vol 276 cc1743-4

May I have the attention of the House for a few moments in presenting this petition, because of the magnitude of it.


The hon. Member cannot make a speech. He must present his petition.


I have the honour to present a petition which reads as follows: To the honourable Commons of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled. The humble petition of the undersigned citizens, members and their families and those associated with them in the London Co-operative Society, Limited. Whereas we citizens have always met the full taxation upon our incomes in common with all other subjects of His Majesty, we respectfully desire to protest with all the emphasis we can command against the recommendations of the special committee appointed on 12th May, 1932, to inquire into the taxation of cooperative societies. Such recommendations, if adopted, would result in great injustices being inflicted upon co-operative societies, a very large section of whose members are drawn from the poorest section of the community. Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray your honourable House as the final authority not to implement these recommendations as such legislation, if adopted, would be penal in character and differentiate cooperative, societies in matters of taxation from other sections of the trading community. And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will humbly pray your honourable House will refrain accepting such recommendations. The petition, the bundles of which you see before you—


The hon. Member must present his petition and bring it to the Table.


I have performed many tasks in this House, but I cannot do that.


I beg to present a petition on similar lines from the citizens of Leigh, signed by 12,398.


I beg to present a petition on similar lines from Liverpool and District, signed by 50,474.

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