§ 7. Major the Marquess of TITCHFIELDasked the Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether the Locarno Treaties bind the Government in fact or by implication to guarantee the frontiers of Poland and Czechoslovakia against aggression; and whether, by the terms of the same agreement, His Majesty's Government have handed to the Council of the League of Nations the right of deciding which nation is to be helped?
§ Sir J. SIMONThe answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. As regards the second part, no decision binding on His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom can be taken except one in which their representative on the Council has concurred.
Marquess of TITCHFIELDIs the Foreign Secretary aware that this very inaccurate statement appeared in the leading article of the "Daily Express" on 24th October?
§ Sir J. SIMONI do not think that is a matter for me.
§ Sir WILLIAM DAVISONWill the right hon. Gentleman consider issuing a White Paper in plain terms so that people 958 can understand exactly the liabilities of this country under the Locarno Treaty?
§ Sir J. SIMONThe terms of the Locarno Treaty are pretty well known, not only to students, but to persons of ordinary information, and if anyone wants to know more about it there is a White Paper already published.