HC Deb 25 October 1932 vol 269 c786
2. Mr. BATEY

asked the Secretary for Mines what progress has been made towards the formation of a national industrial board for the coal industry where representatives of the coalowners and miners will attend?


As the hon. Member is aware, it is the desire of the Government that national conciliation machinery should be set up, by agreement between parties, for the discussion of all matters of national interest to the coal mining industry, not excluding questions relating to wages and conditions of employment. The Government's wishes in this matter are well known to the coalowners, and my predecessor in office made great efforts to obtain their agreement. So far I regret that I am unable to report any progress, but the hon. Member may rest assured that I shall do everything in my power to endeavour to find a satisfactory solution of what I regard as a real and urgent problem.


As the hon. Member's predecessor failed, will he try to succeed?


The hon. Member must be content with the answer I have given him.