HC Deb 30 November 1932 vol 272 c819
9. Mr. DORAN

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he can explain the reasons for the continued delay in the salvage operations on the Submarine M.2?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Sir Bolton Eyres Monsell)

The attempt to raise M.2 at the end of September was considered sufficiently promising to justify further operations with a view to another attempt being made as soon as possible. These operations are proceeding. Work has been slow owing to adverse weather conditions, which are to be expected at this time of year, only about one-third of the period, October-November, having been suitable for any operations to be undertaken.


What has been the cost of these operations up to date?


The last time I inquired the cost was about £12,000. For that sum we have in hand a very valuable air compressor and a great deal of valuable experience that we had not before.

Lieut.-Commander AGNEW

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an indication of the future policy of the Board of Admiralty in the matter of salving this vessel?


As preparations are so far advanced, it is proposed to make a last attempt to raise the wreck. Should it fail, or should bad weather spoil the preparations already made, salvage will be abandoned. Hon. Members will realise that this will be a keen disappointment to those engaged on the work, which has been both arduous and difficult and has been carried out with great zeal by those concerned.