HC Deb 29 November 1932 vol 272 cc633-4
22. Sir A. KNOX

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if he will state for what reason the title of the 15th King's Hussars and the 19th Royal Hussars (Queen Alexandra's Own), lately combined as the 15th/19th Hussars, has been changed to the 15th the King's Royal Hussars; and whether officers of the 19th Royal Hussars were consulted before this change was made?


The change was made as a result of a request made by the colonel of the combined regiment, who stated that the new title was unanimously desired by all ranks serving.


Is it not a fact that this recommendation was made by the colonel and the lieutenant-colonel of the combined regiments? Are they not both ex-15th Hussars? Was this idea communicated to any officer of the old 19th Hussars, except Sir Philip Chetwode, who has long since ceased to have any connection with the regiment?


The suggestion was communicated to an officer who was considered to be one of the most distinguished of the old officers, and, on the grounds stated in my reply, it was recommended by the colonel, who stated that the whole regiment desired it, and it was thought right to make the change.


Does the hon. Gentleman not realise that this change has wiped out the whole service for 200 years of the 19th Hussars, and that that is bitterly resented by the old officers of the regiment and by the Comrades' Association as well?


It has not wiped out the whole service in any way.


The regiment no longer exists.

Brigadier-General CLIFTON BROWN

Is it not a fact that when these regiments were amalgamated they were given a promise that their identity would be kept separate? Is this the way that promise is kept? The Old officers of the 19th Hussars are very much upset about it. They were not even consulted on the matter at all.

Lieut.-Colonel APPLIN

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that this action will cause despondency and alarm in every one of the cavalry regiments?

Brigadier-General BROWN

I beg to give notice that at the first opportunity I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment.