HC Deb 24 November 1932 vol 272 cc223-4
20. Mr. MANDER

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air the approximate annual saving to this country which would arise if the British disarmament proposals in respect of an all-round cut of 33⅓ per cent. were carried out?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for AIR (Sir Philip Sassoon)

I regret that it is impossible to give any useful figure without an expenditure of time and labour which my Noble Friend does not feel would be justified at this stage. The saving would not, of course, in any event approach 33⅓ per cent. of current Air Votes. An estimate of any value would depend on the replies given to a large number of questions which could not be determined without a prolonged investigation, e.g., how should the cut be distributed as between home defence, the Fleet Air Arm, Army co-operation and overseas theatres. Only when these and similar complex questions had been resolved could the reactions of such a cut in first-line strength on training and technical establishments be profitably examined and the full financial effect estimated.

30. Mr. MANDER

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office the approximate annual saving to this country which would arise if the Government's dis- armament proposals for the limitation of the calibre of artillery to 105 mm. were carried out?


No immediate saving would result, but some increase of expenditure might be involved dependent on the extent to which the existing armament had to be replaced by artillery within the permitted calibre.

31. Mr. MANDER

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office the approximate annual saving to this country which would arise if the Government's disarmament proposals with reference to effectives based on the Hoover plan were carried out?


The numbers of British land forces are already considerably below the numbers recognised in the Hoover proposals as necessary for the maintenance of internal order. No saving would therefore arise from the adoption of these proposals.