HC Deb 16 November 1932 vol 270 cc1151-2

Amendment proposed [15th November]: In page 2, line 9, to leave out Sub-section (3).—[Sir W. Greaves-Lord.]

Question again proposed, "That the words 'Where any sentence' stand part of the Clause."


I beg to move, "That the Chairman do report Progress, and ask leave to sit again."

When this Bill was introduced, it was believed by those responsible for its introduction that it was uncontroversial. It had already passed through all its stages in another place, where there has been some discussion but no controversy. However, the eagle eye of my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Norwood (Sir W. Greaves-Lord) detected the seeds of controversy in the Bill and persuaded the House or, at any rate, a good many of his learned colleagues that the seeds of controversy were capable of leading to considerable debate. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury informed the House last night that there is no intention at the eleventh hour of the Session to press anything through the House of a controversial nature, or to spend the few remaining hours that remain of the Session in arguing a matter that is likely to provoke controversy. It has, therefore, been decided not to proceed with the Bill to-day. That decision has been rendered easier by the fact that there is no immediate urgency with regard to the Measure. There is no prospect of visiting forces from any of our Dominions coming to this country in the near future. But, while it is not a matter of immediate urgency, it would be a mistake to allow the Committee to think it can be lost sight of. This Measure has been brought forward as the result of a direct undertaking given by His Majesty's Government to the Governments of the Dominions and, in pursuance of that undertaking, the Government of South Africa has already passed a Bill couched, I think, in identical terms with this. Therefore, while informing the Committee that the Bill is not to be proceeded with to-day, I think it only right to state, for the information of the Committee and of the Dominions concerned, that the Measure will be reintroduced in the early days of next Session.


I congratulate hon. and right hon. Gentlemen and the learned rebels. I have risen solely to thank the Parliamentary Secretary for having arranged this and thereby saved time for a Debate in which we are very much interested.

Question put, and agreed to.

Committee report Progress; To sit again upon Monday next.