§ 24. Captain ERSKINE-BOLSTasked the Minister of Transport whether he will bring to the notice of pedestrians the advisability, particularly along roads largely used by motor traffic and at night, of keeping to the footpaths in their own interests?
§ Mr. PYBUSPedestrians are urged by the Highway Code always to walk on the footpath where one is provided.
§ Captain ERSKINE-BOLSTCannot the hon. Member bring in legislation which will place a measure of responsibility on pedestrians who wander about the streets and put themselves in jeopardy?
§ Sir ARTHUR MICHAEL SAMUELIs the hon. Member aware that, owing to the ineffective arrangement made by his Department, no footpath is now safe for elderly people and young children to walk upon at any time, day or night?
§ Sir A. M. SAMUELIs the hon. Member aware that 600 people are killed every month in this country by road accidents?