HC Deb 09 November 1932 vol 270 cc329-30
8. Mr. COCKS

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he will give the number of selection boards for lower-deck candidates for the commissioned ranks of sub-lieutenant and sub-lieutenant (E) held throughout the Navy during the present year; the number of candidates who appeared before these boards; and the number of commissions available for them?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Sir Bolton Eyres Monsell)

One series of Fleet Selection Boards for sub-lieutenants was held during the present year. Boards for the 1932 promotions to sub-lieutenant (E) were held in 1931. The actual number of candidates is not available, as particulars of the candidates rejected by the boards are not necessarily communicated to the Admiralty. Thirteen candidates for sub-lieutenant were recommended, and of these eight will probably be promoted next month. Twenty were recommended for sub-lieutenant (E) and 4 of these were promoted in July last.

9. Mr. COCKS

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the sub-lieutenants (ex-lower deck) to be promoted this year are to be given the nine-months' educational course at Greenwich College, which is given to sub-lieutenants (ex-cadets), or only the three-months' course, which has been given previously to ratings promoted to mates?


The officers in question will undergo the three months' course at Greenwich. Future batches will undergo nine months' instruction.

10. Mr. COCKS

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he will give the number of cadets for the executive and engineering branches to be entered for Dartmouth and from public schools, and the number of lower-deck ratings in these branches to be promoted to commissioned rank during the present year?


During the present calendar year, 100 cadets have entered the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, and 32 cadets have entered the Service from the Special Entry Examination, this latter number being divided equally between the executive and the engineering branches. Four ratings were promoted to Sub-Lieutenant (E) in July last, and eight ratings will probably be promoted to acting Sub-Lieutenant (General Service) next month.

Lieut.-Commander AGNEW

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether these sub-lieutenants, ex-lower deck, are required to satisfy the same educational requirements as other sub-lieutenants?


That does not appear to have anything to do with this particular question.