HC Deb 07 November 1932 vol 270 cc28-9
63. Sir P. HURD

asked the Home Secretary whether the London General Omnibus Company have complied with the police requirement, conveyed to them in July, 1931, that the route of each omnibus must be displayed in large type at the back of the omnibus; whether he is aware of the public inconvenience caused unless the leading stopping places are also indicated, as in the case of the older vehicles; and whether he will direct the company to meet this public need without further delay?


The arrangement was that the route numbers and destination points should be clearly indicated on the nearside and on the rear of double-deck omnibuses of the enclosed staircase type, and that, as far as practicable, intermediate route points or thoroughfares traversed should be displayed as well and that all double-deck omnibuses, whatever their type, should show particulars of these. The company have been unable to complete this programme, which is one involving them in very heavy expense, but considerable progress has been made and it is hoped to have all the omnibuses fitted by the end of the year.


Is it not also desirable that omnibuses should indicate not only the route but also the stopping places as well? Will not the Home Office take the view of the public convenience in this matter?


As far as practicable intermediate points and thoroughfares will be indicated.


Is my hon. Friend aware that that is not being done at the moment?