HC Deb 01 November 1932 vol 269 cc1589-91

asked the President of the Board of Trade what steps are being taken by His Majesty's Government to deal with the handicap placed upon the British coal trade by the imposition of quotas and other restrictions on the importation of coal into Germany, France, Belgium and Spain; and what measures are being taken to negotiate with the Governments of these countries to arrange reciprocal agreements?

Lieut.-Colonel J. COLVILLE (Secretary, Overseas Trade Department)

With regard to Germany and France, I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer given to a question by my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for the Isle of Wight (Captain P. Macdonald), on 25th October. Further representations have been made to the Belgian Government in regard to the basis of calculation of the quota, but no reply has yet been received. With regard to Spain, as the hon. Member for Chester-le-Street (Mr. Lawson) was informed on the 10th May, the restrictions on coal entering that country are not considered to be discriminatory against the United Kingdom.


Has the hon. and gallant Gentleman received urgent representations from the Newcastle and Gateshead Chamber of Commerce with regard to the serious position of the coal trade in that area?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

Yes, Sir, I understand that representations have been received at die Board of Trade, and very close attention will be paid to them.


What reply has been given to these representations, and will anything that is done be done quickly in order to better the very serious position?


Are not these quotas just the natural result of the tariff policy?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

No, Sir, the quota system started before United Kingdom tariffs. With regard to the other supplementary question, if my hon. Friend examines the reply to which I have referred, he will see that steps are being taken actively in this matter.


Have not the German Government agreed to arbitrate on the quota if we will agree to arbitrate on tariffs on German goods?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

The German Government have asked for a discussion on this matter, and we have agreed. It will be commenced almost immediately.


Is not Spain making further restrictions against British coal?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

I am aware that it has been reported that further restrictions in Spain were contemplated, but we have received assurances on this point from the Spanish Government.


Have the German Government asked for arbitration?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

What is proposed now is discussion on this and certain other matters.


But have they asked for arbitration?