§ 34. Mr. WARDLAW-MILNEasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the amount of the outstanding balance of liquidated German property agreed under the Hague agreement to be retained in this country; and to what use such surplus has been applied?
§ Major ELLIOTThe outstanding balance of liquidated property credited to Germany is approximately £18,500,000. This figure does not include a certain amount of liquidated property not yet allocated, part of which will eventually be credited to Germany. As regards the second part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the full statement made by the then Chancellor of the Exchequer on the 21st November, 1929.
§ Mr. WARDLAW-MILNECan the right hon. and gallant Gentleman say whether the figure which he has stated includes the sum of £3,500,000, which appears as "Clearing Office, Enemy Debts" in the Board of Trade figures of the Exchequer balances for 1930–31, because, if so, that would appear to be a separate item?
§ Major ELLIOTI should be obliged to the hon. Member if he would put down that question.