HC Deb 04 May 1932 vol 265 cc1091-2

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what the number of the staffs of the Foreign Office Diplomatic and Consular Services were at any date in 1902 and at the date corresponding in 1932?

Captain HUDSON

The numbers are as follow:

1st Jan., 1st Jan.,
1902. 1932.
Foreign Office 151 766
Diplomatic Service 148 315
Consular Service 319 351

The increase in the staff of the Foreign Office was explained on 29th April in reply to a question by my hon. Friend the Member for Tynemouth (Mr. West Russell). The figures for the Diplomatic Service in 1902 include commercial attaches (now provided in the Vote for the Department of Overseas Trade), dragomans, translators and chaplains numbering 30 in all while the total for 1932 includes non-diplomatic staff consisting of 167 archivists, clerks, typists, etc. In the case of the Consular Service the numbers of the salaried consular officers only have been given, and unsalaried officers and locally recruited subordinate staff paid from office allowances have been excluded.


In view of the great increase shown in the figures which my hon. and gallant Friend has just given, both in the diplomatic and Consular services, will he convey to his right hon. Friend the suggestion that there is a very wide field here for further economy?

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