§ 13. Mr. PARKINSONasked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many dental officers, surgeon captains, are employed in the Navy at a remuneration of £3 9s. a day; where they carry out their duties; and whether the duties are purely of a supervisory character?
The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Sir Bolton Eyres Monsell)There are no dental officers of the rank of surgeon captain employed in the Navy at a re- 262 muneration of £3 9s. a day. One surgeon captain (D) only is allowed in the establishment of dental officers, this officer being employed at the Admiralty on the staff of the Medical Director-General of the Navy, to whom he is responsible for the entire administration of the naval dental service. His duties necessarily include those of a supervisory character. His pay is at the current rate of £3 a day, plus the usual allowances.