HC Deb 15 March 1932 vol 263 c168
20. Lord SCONE

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that a large proportion of the income of the three Scottish agricultural colleges is derived from annual grants made voluntarily by the education committees of the Scottish county councils, and that any reduction on a large scale of these grants would impair the efficiency and restrict the activities of the colleges; and will he therefore consider circularising the county councils urging them to make no reduction in these grants?


Substantial grants are made to the three agricultural colleges by the Education Authorities. I am glad to be able to inform my Noble Friend that on 30th January last the Scottish Education Department sent a circular letter to these authorities informing them of proposals to continue the additional grants from the Education (Scotland) Fund in aid of the colleges, and at the same time emphasising the need for maintaining the direct contributions voluntarily made by the local authorities. I am sending my Noble Friend a copy of this circular.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether any of these authorities have shown any intention to reduce their contributions during the coming year?


I have no information to that effect.